Shifting consciousness to rediscover the spiritual potential of the human heart

About us

Bhakti [bhak·ti]: selfless service as the means, and goal, of spiritual awakening.
Society [so·ci·e·ty]: a group associated together with kinship.

The Bhakti Society is a community of kindred spirits who share a desire for spiritual awakening individually and collectively through the wisdom, practice, and process found on the path of bhakti - selfless service.

The foundation of our society is built on individual authenticity, deep relationships, compassionate care, and a desire to support others in their growth as an element of our own personal practice.

Our Mission

The Bhakti Society exists to help individuals rediscover their spiritual selves, reconnect with their own wholeness, and catalyze consciousness-shift for the benefit of all.

The pursuit of sacred knowledge, the practice of deep reflection, and reverence for the wisdom of the ages has been commodified, meme-ified, and packaged for a consumption economy that has no patience for the gradual unfolding of spiritual truth.

In a world where most every answer is before us, we have forgotten the importance of asking meaningful questions; and consequently we have given up our sacred power to help ourselves and each other.

The missing element we need to build a kinder, more compassionate world, is consciousness shift.

Consciousness shift is built on a foundation of understanding who we truly are. By recalibrating our vision of ourselves and world around us, we begin to see and understand ourselves as instruments of service, rather than exploitation.

Through the practice of meditation, reverence for spiritual wisdom and a spirit of service one begins to open their full potential as a spiritual being.